понеділок, 8 листопада 2021 р.

 8 листопада

6 клас

Тема: їжа. Продукти

Прочитайте та усно перекладіть текст вп.6, ст.57-58

Письмово виконайте вп.7, ст.58

Запишіть нові слова в словник вп.8, ст.58

7 клас

Тема: харчування 

 1. Складіть свій щоденний раціон здорового харчування за прикладом 


One grapefruit

Two poached eggs

One mug of herbal tea


One banana

One cup plain yogurt with berries

A glass of water


Baked chicken breast

Salad with tomato and lettuce topped with olive oil and lemon juice

One glass of water

Afternoon snack:

An apple or one cup of grapes

A cup of herbal tea


Roast steak

One cup mashed potatoes

One cup of steamed broccoli

One glass of water with a slice of lemon

8 клас

Тема:моє класне приміщення

Прочитати, перекласти вп.1, ст.68-69

Скласти план до тексту та 7 питань.

9 клас

Тема:робота з граматичним матеріалом

Перейдіть за посиланням та зробіть конспект.

Вивчіть граматику. http://easy-english.com.ua/types-of-verbs/

10 клас

Тема: система освіти в Україні

Прочитайте текст, зробіть письмовий переказ.

 Education System of Ukraine / Освітня система України 

The future and the destiny of our country depends, to a great extent, on young people's general education and professional training and their intellectual and spiritual values.

The country plans to take all branchers of the economy to the most advanced levels of science and engineering, carry out extensive automation of production, ensure a basic increase in labour productivity, and take the production of output to the level of the best world samples. To carry out all these plans our country needs highly educated and highly qualified people.

The education system of Ukraine can be divided in the following types: the basic or fundamental school, the vocational and technical secondary school and higher school. Each type of the school has its task: the general school has to give young generation profound and solid knowledge of the fundamentals of sciences and how to use them practically. The most important task to be solved by school is practical training for labour activities according to the demands of life, of social, scientific and technological progress. The vocational secondary school gives young people a secondary education plus trade training.

Then goes the higher school. Each year many people enter higher educational establishments: institutes and universities.

To be admitted one must have good knowledge of the subjects taught in secondary school which have the same curricula.

Higher education is accessible to all. Young men and women have the chance of entering an institute or university. Girls students even predominate in teacher's, medical and some other institutes. Institutions of higher education have preparatory departments for those who work in agriculture and industry and are demobilized from the army. After completing the ten-month preparatory course and passing exams they are enrolled as students.

The country has three types of institutions of higher education: universities, polytechnical and specialized institutes. There are many new and old universities in Ukraine. Among them, no doubt, we can name the Lviv University. Studies, research work, social activity, various kinds of sport — they are all part of students' life. Students who have an aptitude and desire for research work may begin postgraduate studies immediately after graduation.

 11 клас 

Тема: написання листа в офіційному стилі

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