понеділок, 31 січня 2022 р.

 31 січня 2022 року

6 клас

Тема:  чому ми подорожуємо?

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I think most of people like to travel. Somebody likes to travel by train. Somebody likes to travel by bus. There are different ways of travelling. Travelling by train is not so fast as by plane. But it has its advantages. You can start your journey in the evening, and in the morning you are in the other city or town. While travelling by train, you can enjoy all variety of landscapes you pass by.

But a lot of people, who travel on business, prefer to get to the place by air. Travelling by air is the fastest way of travelling. The seats on board the plane are comfortable. A traveler doesn't get tired during the journey.

But in summer it's pleasant to travel by sea or by river. People usually set on such voyages when they are on holidays.

I think summer is the best season for travelling. When the weather is fine, when it is warm, we can have a good time during our journey or voyage. There are many people who are fond of travelling on foot. Travelling on foot is pleasant for those who like nature in all the four seasons.

As for me I like to travel by car with my parents. We can stop wherever we want. We can stay in some place as long as we want. We like to go sightseeing in different cities and towns. We usually visit some places of historic interest, museums. Sometimes we visit theatres. We usually choose a nice place on the bank of the river or on the sea shore. We stay there for some days.

I like travelling very much.

a)              Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту.

1)    Agree or disagree with me.

The fastest way of travelling is by train. 

There are many people who are fond of travelling by foot. 

It is interesting to travel by ship in winter. 

When people travel on business, they prefer to travel by plane. 

Travelling by train has its advantages. 

When you travel by plane, you can stop wherever you want. 

7 клас

Тема:    узагальнення та систематизація знань  з теми "Спорт "

1. Make up word combinations and find the names of six places where different sports take place:

    1. swimming                   a. pitch

    2. tennis                          b. ring

    3. golf                               c. pool

    4. rugby                           d.  track

    5. race                              e. course

    6. boxing                          f. court

Fill in the gaps:

Skating rink      trainers         tennis court        gym       commentator             trains

     1. We would like to skate, so we are going to the_________

     2. If you want to be fit you should go to the __________ and get some exercises.

     3. He usually _________ at least three times a week.

     4. It’s very difficult to run a race in these old _________. I need to buy a new pair.

     5. Her cousin goes to the _______ to play tennis.

     6. The_________ who described the last football match was very boring.

8 клас

Тема:  музичні жанри

Зробіть письмовий переклад тексту

Music in my life:

I believe that music plays an important role in the life of every person. Its influence is truly unbelievable as it is a part of our life from birth to the end. At first, our mothers sing us lullabies, and then we learn songs at school. We all listen to different genres, but that doesn’t change the fact that we like music and do enjoy it.

It is easy to go to another, magical and wonderful world. There are no problems, sadness, pain, disappointment, and unpleasant memories, where it is just good and calm at heart while listening to your favourite songs. For most of us, music helps us to cope with difficult situations in life. It gives us joy, positiveness, a charge of energy, and cheerfulness. Sometimes calmness and peace, and sometimes we shed tears.

9 клас

Тема: тренувальні вправи з граматики 

Past Simple

1. Впишіть правильну форму дієслова у пропуски:

  1. Last month I (go)  to Scotland on holiday.
  2. It (be)  awesome movie!
  3. I (visit)  lots of museums. I (be)  with friend of mine .
  4. In the evening we (meet)  him.
  5. In the morning I (get)  up early.
  6. The weather (be)  fine yesterday.
  7. It (be not)  cheap.
  8. We (see)  some beautiful rainbows.
  9. Where (spend / she)  her last holiday?

2. Напишіть минулу форму дієслова:

ІнфінітивPast Simple

3. Оберіть “was” чи “were”:

  1. The teacher was/were nice.
  2. The pupils was/were very clever.
  3. But one pupil was/were in trouble.
  4. Teacher was/were sorry for him.
  5. He was/were nice though.

10 клас

Тема: електронне листування, стилі  написання електронних листів

Перейдіть за посиланням та опрацюйте необхіний матеріал. Напишіть мені електронний лист в телеграм , тема вільна. 


11 клас

Тема: природа і довкілля. Природні катаклізми як явище.

Опрацюйте текст, випишіть з нього нові слова про стихійні лиха. Складіть 5 питань до тексту.

Natural disasters such as flood, fire, tornado, earthquake, tsunamis are becoming more and more frequent on our planet. In short description a natural disaster is a result of a natural hazard, which has a negative effect on human beings. These geologic processes can lead to serious consequences such as loss of life, property damage, economic problems. Certain areas are more exposed to natural disasters. For example, most of New Zealand’s coastline is exposed to tsunami hazard, while the Far East region is exposed to floods. Being aware of possible dangers, people should be prepared to protect themselves, their families and communities. Two important preparation steps are the developing of emergency plan and assembling a supply kit. However, all the known disasters have unique nature and should be approached separately. Some of the common natural hazards are as follows: earthquake, flood, drought, heat wave, hurricane, volcanic eruption, hailstorm, tornado, tsunami, landslide, wildfire, blizzard. I’d like to tell you a bit more about floods, hurricane and earthquakes. A flood is an overflow of water that submerges land. In severe cases it can result in human and animal deaths. Very often the crops are destroyed, which brings famine. A hurricane is a severe tropical cyclone or storm that often occurs in certain parts of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This destructive hazard can lead to changes in weather and economy. It can also result in heavy rains, thunderstorm, flood or even tornado. An earthquake is the result of a sudden collision among the tectonic plates of the Earth. Such collision leads to massive and occasionally deathly vibrations. However, learning about these specific threats and the measures, which should be taken, can save many lives.

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