середа, 23 лютого 2022 р.

 23 лютого 2022 н.р.

6 клас

Тема: the tower of London

Перегляньте цікаве відео про палаци та вежі Лондона.

Прочитайте текст вп.2, ст. 128, перекладіть. Письмово виконайте вп.3, ст.128 

7 клас

Тема: узагальнення вивченого матеріалу з теми  "Здоров'я"

Solving the crossword

Now let’s solve the crossword to find out what our topic is.










































































1)    A season, when children are seldom ill

2)    Illness, when ears ache 

3)    A man, who cures people 

4)    Useful liquid, which cows give

5)    Illness, when stomach ache

6)    A useful training habit happening in the morning

7)    A doctor, who cures teeth

8)    You put it on a broken arm 

 Matching the proverbs

There can be no doubt that health is very important for any person. There are many proverbs about health. Have a look at the cards and match two parts of every proverb, read together and give Ukrainian equivalents. There are some proverbs.

1. Health is

in a sound body

2. A sound mind

keeps a doctor away

3. An apple a day

makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.

4. Early to bed and early to rise

above  wealth

Read and translate.

8 клас

Тема: преса в Україні

Newspapers and magazines play a great role in the life of a modern person.

We usually read newspapers to get information about the events that have taken or are going to take place in this country or abroad.

One can also read articles about historical events or public figures of the past.

The pages of newspapers carry articles on our economy, industry, agriculture and social life.

Practically all newspapers give weather forecasts, radio and TV programmes.

But there are some specialized news-papers that give only TV programmes.

They also give brief accounts of new films or the films that one can see on TV.

The beginning of the Ukrainian press is considered the “Kharkiv Weekly”, founded in 1812.

In those days newspapers tried to attract readers’ attention to the problems of economic, political and cultural life of this country.

The first literary works in Ukrainian and investigations of Ukrainian folklore appeared on their pages.

Today Ukraine has a large variety of newspapers and magazines.

One can find newspapers of all kinds: national and local, official and private, special newspapers for children, teen-agers, for all kinds of fans — sport fans, music fans, etc.

Business newspapers, women’s magazines, car fans newspapers are very famous.

There are also a lot of “free” newspapers, which specialize in advertising.

The freedom of press has become real today.

Every newspaper has its readers.

I prefer to read “Natali”, “Stolichnye Novosti”.

They are very interesting, I like their style and I read almost all their articles from beginning to end.


1. What is considered to be the beginning of Ukrainian press?

2. Do magazines and newspapers play a great role in the life of a modern person?

3. What can you find onthe pages of newspapers?

4. What kinds of newspapers and magazines do you know?

5. What do you prefer to read?

6. What di we read newspapers for?

9 клас

Тема: думаємо про майбутнє планети

Перегляньте відео та напишіть твір-роздум на тему "Майбутнє планети - в наших руках!" (6-8 речень)

10 клас

Тема: узагальнення та систематизація знань з теми "Природа і погода". Самостійна робота

Виконайте письмово завдання на сторінці 162-163.

11 клас

Тема: Мистецтво. Види мистецтва. Твори мистецтва в житті людини

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