21 березня 2022 н.р.
6 клас
Тема: Київ- столиця України
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Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It's one of the oldest cities of Europe. Last year we celebrated the fifteen hundred twenty fourth anniversary of its foundation. There are many places of historic interest in it. Among them there are the Kyivo-Pecherska Lavra, the Golden Gate, the St. Sophias Cathedral and others.
Kyiv is situated on the picturesque banks of the Dnieper river. It is one of the most beautiful cities of Europe. One half of Kyiv's territory is occupied by parks and gardens. The population of Kyiv is about 3 millions.
Kyiv is a large political, industrial and cultural centre. Kyiv is a seat of the higher body of state power of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada.
Kyiv is a scientific centre. The Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and many research institutes are here. Kyiv's cultural life is rich and varied. There are many theatres, museums, exhibitions in Kyiv.
The national art of Ukraine (paintings, sculpture and drawings) is shown in the Museum of Ukrainian Art.
Kyiv's theatres are well-known not only in our country. The famous National Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, the Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre and other theatres are greatly appreciated by the Kyivites and the guests of the city.
The most important educational institutions of Ukraine are in Kyiv. The National Ukrainian University named after Shevchenko is in the centre of the capital. Just opposite the famous red building of the University there is a fine park well-known to the Kyivites. In the centre of the park there is a nice monument to the great Ukrainian poet, whose name the University bears.
Kyiv is especially beautiful in spring when the famous Kyiv chestnut trees are in blossom.
Kyiv, this ancient and ever young city, is the pride and glory of the Ukrainian people.
7 клас
Тема: різні фільми та жанри
Прочитайте текст ст.143-144 про різні види фільмів
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Тема: преса в США
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Тема: робота над стінгазетою "Захити планету!
Зробіть на листку А4 міні проект за зразком
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Тема: Відомі англійські художники
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Тема: видатні українські художники , фільми та їх жанри
Ст.183 - дайте відповіді на питання (усно)
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