середа, 8 квітня 2020 р.

8 квітня

5 клас 

Тема уроку: Свята в Україні.

Розгляньте відео про свята в Україні. Виконайте в підручнику Вп.5, ст.175-176

 7 клас 

Тема уроку: робота з граматичним матеріалом
Запишіть новий матеріал в зошит та вивчіть.
Английская грамматика
Английская грамматика

8 клас

Тема уроку: робота з текстом: переказ
1. Прочитайте текст, перекладіть (усно);
2. Дайте загаловок тексту;
3. Складіть план тексту ( 5 -6 пунктів);
4. Напишіть стислий переказ тексту.

People first drank tea in China about 5000 years ago. Originally it was used as a medicine, then as a daily drink. It spread to Japan in the 3rd century A.D. Dutch and Portuguese traders brought tea from eastern Asia to Europe in the 1600s.
In 1657 the beverage was sold for the first time in coffee houses in Great Britain. When the English started a tradition of tea drinking in the afternoon it became England's national drink. In the 17th and 18th centuries tea spread to British colonies overseas.
In 1767 Great Britain placed a tax on tea imported by American colonists. During the Boston Tea Party of 1773 they were so angry that they threw a ship full of British tea into the harbour to protest British rule. Two years later the American Revolutionary War started.
Today about 3.3 million tons of tea are produced. India, with its famous tea growing regions like Darjeeling and Assam, and China produce about half of the world's tea. It also grows in many other parts of Asia, especially in Sri Lanka and Indonesia. In the course of time growing tea has spread to countries in Eastern Europe, Africa and South America.

9 клас 

Тема уроку: Лондон
Розгляньте відео, запишіть короткі відомості про Лондон.

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