середа, 8 квітня 2020 р.

Четвер , 9 квітня

6 клас 

Тема уроку: робота з граматичним матеріалом 
Запишіть новий грам.матеріал в зошит та вивчіть його.
Английская грамматика

9 клас 

Тема уроку: Кардіфф- столиця Уельсу .
1. Прочитайте текст 

It is a well-known fact that Cardiff is a capital of Wales. It lies near the mouth of the river Taff, which flows into the English Channel. Romans first occupied this place about 75 BC, they built a fort there. In the 3rd-4th centuries they built a massive wall around it, nowadays people can still observe its traces at various parts of the modern city. When Roman forces left Britain, all the people followed their example. Only 700 years later with the coming of Normans, they came back to live there again.
For some people today Cardiff seems too Victorian, too formal, too dignified. But in fact it is not really so, Cardiff is a relaxed city with a thriving cultural life. The New Theatre of Cardiff performs all kinds of music and entertainment.
You won't see dirty docklands and provincial mediocrity in Cardiff. The Castle is the first thing that catches visitor's eye. It is situated in the heart of the city and parkland and acres of зелень. surround it. The Castle with its Roman foundation, medieval core and rich Victorian mansion represents itself the best jewel in Cardiff's crown. Splendid neo-classical white-stoned architectural ensemble of the Civic Centre, the City hall, National Museum, Law Courts and University buildings are wonderful sights of the city.
National Museum of Cardiff contains a world-class collection of impressionist paintings, it is considered as one of the greatest collections outside Paris and St Petersburg.
Cardiff is quite an ancient town, but only in the 19th century it became a centre of export trade in coal. The First and the Second World Wars stopped the demand for the Welsh coal both at home and abroad, and the growth of the city almost went down.
Cardiff today is not like that it was earlier. There are many shopping malls, Victorian shopping arcades, cafes, bistros and many places where one can taste the locally brewed beer.

2) Дайте відповіді на питання:
1. Where is Cardiff situated?
2. When it was occupied by Romans?
3. What country is Cardiff a capital of?
4. What thing catches the visitor's eye first?
5. What is there in the National Museum of Cardiff?
6. Is Cardiff an ancient city?

3) Запишіть в словник     
mouth - устье
traces - следы
dignified - благородный
thriving - преуспевающий
dockland - пристань
mediocrity - посредственность
mansion - жилье, дом
arcade - пассаж
brew - варить

10 клас 

Тема уроку: Моє відношення до спорту
1. Виконати вправи на сторінці підручника  202-203 .
2. Написати міні-твір "Я люблю /не люблю спорт".

11 клас 

Тема уроку: Молодіжні організації 
Опрацюйте в підручнику сторінки 215-216 ( вп.1-письмово, вп.2 -усно)

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