вівторок, 28 квітня 2020 р.

28 квітня

5 клас 

1. Прослухайте аудіоказку   

Червона шапочка

2.  Виконайте наступні тести True (правда) or False( брехня)
1.Once upon a time there lived in a certain village a little boy.
2.Her mother was very fond of her,and her grandmother loved her even more.
This good very old woman made for her a red cloak.
4.Girl  was called Little Red-Riding-Hood because she have red cap.
5. One day her mother made some cakes.
6. Mother said to Little Red-Riding-Hood: Go, my dear, and see how grandmother 

6 клас 

1. На окремому 2-му листочку запишіть дату контрольної роботи
Friday, the 10th of April
2. Виконайте наступні завдання

1. Find opposites
Blond          short
Tall              straight
Long            old
Wavy           small
Young          dark
2. Make up sentences using have to.
Make a bed
Wash up after breakfast
Clean your room
Buy bread and milk
Walk with your dog
3. Complete the sentences with shall/ will
What _______ you buy tomorrow in the shop?
I ______ buy a box of sweets.
_______ you invite Bill to your birthday party?
Yes, I ________
Nina _______ not come to school tomorrow. She is ill.
We _______ not go to London, we _______ go to Kyiv.
4.  Write down a letter on one of the topics to your American friend.
My funniest school day. Use a plan: classes you had today; what you
did during classes (do sums, read texts, wrote exercises, translated
texts, used the computer); what you did during breaks (called your
friends, jumped, ran along corridors, played jokes, played football);
what marks you have got, after classes you went....
How you learn English. Use a plan: you learn English every day
(difficult, interesting); you read tests, write exercises, learn words; you
try to see video films, learn poems by heart, you try to speak English,
you try to write letters in English.

8 клас 

1. Вивчіть текст напам'ять

My friend.

My best friend's name is Susan. She is twelve years old. We live in the neighbouring houses and play in the same yard. We are classmates. So we
can see each other every day, Susan is a slim and pretty girl. She is not very tall.   She is always ready to help me if I need it. She is very good at Maths, so we often do our homework in Maths together.
Susan is always honest with her parents, teachers and friends. She loves animals.  
We spend a lot of time together.  

10 клас 

Тема уроку: Україна на карті світу
1. Опрацюйте текст підручника ст.224-224
2. Виконайте Вп.3-4, ст.227 (письмово)

11 клас
1. прослухайте аудіозапис (відправлю в групу  телеграм) 
2. дайте відповіді на питання :
I.                  Choose the right variant.
1.     How many children are in Helen’s family?
a)     two
b)    one
c)     three
2.     What does Helen think about her sister?
a)     she is a real beautiful lady
b)    she is a funny girl
c)     she is a serious girl
3.     Has she got a husband and children?
a)     yes, she has
b)    not yet
c)     she has a husband only
4.     Who is Sasha for Kate?
a)     a niece
b)    a nephew
c)     a husband
5.     How old is Nick?
a)     20
b)    17
c)     18
6.     What does Helen like to do?
a)     to speak English
b)    to play tennis
c)     to collect postcards

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