вівторок, 12 травня 2020 р.

12 травня

5 клас 

Тема уроку: розклад занять та види діяльності на уроках
1. прочитайте та перекладіть діалог Вп.6, ст.192 ( усно)
2. Вп.1-2, ст.193 - виразно читати
3. прочитайте та перекладіть  Вп.3, ст.193
4. Вп.5, ст. 194 - виконайте письмово 

6 клас 

Тема уроку:  повторення граматичного матеріалу  на тему "Займенники "

8 клас 
1. На окремому 2-му листку в лінію запишіть дату контррольної роботи 
Tuesday, the 12th of May
2. Запишіть назву тексту та виконайте наступні завдання після тексту
Round the calendar.

     The 1st of January, New Year’s Day, is a big holiday in Scotland. People don’t go to work on that day, and children don’t go to school. Scottish people celebrate New Year’s Eve in every family. Friends usually come on that day. They have a good dinner. After dinner there are apples, other fruit, and different sweets to eat. Then all the family and the friends begin to play games and dance.
    Before 12 o’clock at night many people in the towns go out into the streets and the friends begin to play games and dance.
    Then people wish a Happy New Year to all and go home to meet the first-footers. A first-footer is a man who comes first to a house on the 1st of January, on New Year’s Day. Today the first-footer brings a little piece of coal, some money and a little piece of bread. These things show that the family will be warm and they will have food and money all the year.
    When the first-footer comes into the house, he wishes a Happy New Year to all the members of the family, talks to them, eats and drinks something and goes to another house.

a first-footerперший, хто заходить до оселі
a piece of coal – шматочок вугілля
a piece of bread – шматочок хліба

Post-listening activity.

1. Put ``+`` next to the true sentences and ``-`` next to the false ones.
1. The 1st of  January, New Year’s Day, is a big holiday in Scotland.
2. People work on that day.
3. Scottish people celebrate New Year’s Eve in every family.
4. After 12 o’clock at night people wish a Happy New Year.
5. The first-footer brings flowers.
6. When the first-footer comes   into the house, he wishes a Happy New Year.

2. Finish the sentences.
1. The 1st of January, New Year’s Day, is a big holiday in …
2. Friends usually have a good …
3. After dinner all the family and the friends begin to …

3. Put the sentences in the correct order.
A. and go to meet the first-footers.
B. Scottish people celebrate New Year’s Eve in every family.
C. Before 12 o’clock at night many people in the towns go out.

10 клас 
Тема уроку : географічне положення України 
1. Перейдіть запосиланням , прочитайте та перекладіть текст
2. Складіть 5 питань до тексту 

11 клас 

Тема уроку: ООН. Міжнародні організаціїї
1. Перейдіть запосиланням , прочитайте та перекладіть текст
2. Складіть 5 питань до тексту 

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