четвер, 14 травня 2020 р.

14 травня

6 клас

Тема уроку: робота з граматичним матеріалом

 9 клас 

1. На окремому 2-му листочку в лінію  запишіть дату контрольної роботи
Thursday, the 14th of May
2.  прочитайте уважно текст та виконайте наступні завдання 
Our environment is in danger. The earth gives people mineral resources, rivers, forests, fields. But people often do things which pollute land and waters greatly.
    Plant and factories cause the pollution of the nature. They throw harmful substances into the air, land and water. It is very dangerous because it does harm to people’s health.
    Many kinds of birds, animals, fish and plants are in the so-called ``Red Book``. In this book there are such plants and animals which are protected by the country, because people can destroy them in a very short period of time.
    Every year people cut down more trees, build more roads and use more land for farming. And we live in the towns and cities full of rubbish.
    People must do everything they can to save our planet. We must stop cutting down the rainforests, because rainforests are the lungs of our planet. We must stop nuclear weapon tests. We can recycle most kinds of paper, glass, metal and plastic. Recycling saves trees and energy and protects the environment from pollution.
   It is a wonderful world we live in. and we must keep it clean and take care of it.

Post-listening activity.
Join the parts of the sentences
1. People often do things
2. Many kinds of birds, animals, fish and plants
3. People must do everything they can
4. We live in the towns and cities
5.Recycling saves
a) are in danger
b) full of rubbish
c) trees and energy
d) which pollute land and waters greatly
e) to save our planet

I.                  Finish the sentences.
1)    Our environment is…
2)    Plants and factories…
3)    Every year people cut down…
4)    Rainforests are…
5)    We can recycle most kinds of …

10 клас 

Тема уроку: клімат України 
1. Прочитайте текст та складіть до нього 10 питань.

11 клас 

Тема уроку: робота з текстом: читання та переклад
On the Move.

    The Smiths have decided to visit their Uncle Tom. They have not seen for ages. This year Uncle Tom is celebrating his fifties anniversary. He lives in Brighton. The Smiths have their summer holidays so they have a good opportunity to go to Brighton all together. Now they are discussing how they can get there.
    ``I think we can go there by train``, says Mr. Smith. `` It’s not expensive; we can spend some good time in the dining car. `` But his wife Mary doesn’t like to travel by train because it is hot in a carriage in summer. `` I prefer to travel by plane. It is the quickest way of traveling. We can read or sleep during the journey. `` `But it is very expensive to travel by plane``, says their daughter Alice. ``Besides I am afraid to fly by planes. Some people say that it is very dangerously. Let’s go to Brighton by ship. It’s so romantically. `` But her grandfather doesn’t like this idea. `` We’ll go to Brighton by car. We’ll never miss our train and we can stop wherever we want. It’ll be a cheap and comfortable journey. ``, he said.
1. Прочитайте текст та перекладіть ( письмово)
2. Складіть план  та 5 питань до тексту.

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